Designers and trend forecasters agree: Matte black is one of the hottest design trends for 2019. Browse through these gorgeous interiors for inspo on using this of-the-moment hue in your home.

Accent With Black Chairs....
This bright, almost all-white space is given a modern touch with the addition of two pairs of black Windsor-style chairs. Matte black is both modern and traditional, classic and contemporary. Adding it to a transitional space like this pulls the whole room together into one sharp look.

Black Counter Tops...
If you're updating your kitchen countertops, you might want to consider a matte black. When you've got as much square footage kitchen, avoiding shine can be a big bonus. But even in a small space, black pairs beautifully with natural wood or white cabinets for a look that's perfectly polished.

Matte Black Flatware...
The nature of trends is that they're here one year and potentially gone the next. To try out the trend without making a huge and permanent invest in your home, give matte black flatware a go. Your table will look more modern with just this simple swap.

Black Bathroom Tiles...
Call up a mental image of the worst-of-the-worst black bathroom trends of the '70s and '80s. Glitzy, cheesy and shiny, right? Today's designers have learned their lesson and ditched the overly glossy look for a serene and sophisticated pairing of matte black tile with brass fixtures and lots of white.

Industrial- Style Accents...
This lavender guest bedroom is full of pastel purples and feminine accents but matte black touches, like the industrial black bed frame and desk lamp, balance the overall design to keep it from being too girly. Toughen up a more frilly space in your home the same way.

Pendant Lights...
Pendant lights feel much more current when they're matte black, paired with copper interiors and grouped together. This sleek, open-concept kitchen and dining area works the matte black trend into the barstools as well. If you ever get tired of the trend, these pieces are simple to swap out.

Chic Outdoor Lounge Chairs...
Like their outdoor color sibling, wrought iron, these matte black lounge chairs play beautifully against greenery, but feel a bit more modern. Any flowers that pop up in the garden will be gorgeous against the dark chairs. If you're in a particularly hot and sunny locale, maybe black chairs aren't for you, so plan your seating wisely.

Small Details...
In an all-white space, you can keep your black details small and simple while still making a big impact. The faucet, mirrors, and drawer pulls all have understated lines so their matte black finish doesn't overwhelm the clean look of this bathroom.

Matte Black Sink...
If you want to replace a white sink that's prone to staining or a stainless steel one that has seen better days, consider a matte black composite model like this one. It's paired with a matte black gooseneck faucet. The two together are the perfect complement to the white quartz countertops.

Bold Black Exterior...
Dark exteriors have been rising in popularity for a few years now. They're definitely a jaw-dropping, walk-stopping look, especially in matte black. If you want to go all-in on this look, keep it simple. On this home, the trim, doors and window casings are all matte black leaving the lighting and greenery as the stars.
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